Q & A with the Owners (sprdthefield)

9th in a series (by 69cubs)

"sprdthefield" is actually only in Mathewson for a matter of days (as this username) at this point, BUT, as we all know, this owner is working in tandem with ginobili04.

The New York Mobsters are a creation of the ginobili04 owner name. This ownership "group" is on their 3rd season in Mathewson. In their 2 full seasons, they are rebuilding a franchise and have a 133-191 (.410)record without a playoff appearance at this point.

Overall in HBD, 15 seasons between the 2 of them with an overall record of 979-1451 (.403) with one division title. Now that this ownership group is settled, we expect that they will build this team and try to restore some of the glory this team had 5-10 seasons earlier where they won 3 division titles in a 5 season period.

On with the Q & A with sprdthefield

Favorite MLB team:
Boston Red Sox

Favorite All-Time and/or current MLB player(s):
Johnny Damon would have to be my favorite, until he left Boston and went to that other team! ughhh!!

Favorite Mathewson player(s) current and/or All-time:
Has to be Endy Fassero since he is probably the best on my team right now. He is only 25 so he should be a mobster for a while!

Significance of team name and/or username:
Team name I came up with since I love to read and watch things about the Mob, and NY is the biggest part where the Mob formed, so thats why I named them Mobsters.

user name is/was ginobili04 because my co-workers say I look like Manu Ginobili from the SA Spurs. But the sprdthefield ID is a name my co-coach grindi and I came up with to use for our GD(Gridiron Dynasty) rebuilds on mostly passing teams when the new engine came out.

Favorite non-baseball team/sport:
College Football - Auburn WAR DAMN EAGLE!!
NFL Football - Carolina Panthers because of Cam Newton!
NBA Basketball - Dallas Mavericks

Born and raised in Alabama

Team you most dislike to face:
Has to be Helena since they always beat me and wins the NL North Division every season since I been in Matthewson.

One tip you can share with all:
No tips yet, but maybe reading these I can find some out to put me/us in the playoffs.

Thank You sprdthefield! With a football username now and formerly a basketball username, maybe your baseball team is feeling neglected that you don't have a baseball username! :)

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