PUBLIC OR PRIVATE? (contributed by pita323)


Below are the results of a poll taken among all owners who have been in this world for a minimum of 10 seasons. This is not to say that the remaining 11 owners are not committed to this world and should not have a say so. If this poll showed a one-sided result, all owners would be asked their thoughts and a final decision decided from there.

This was not done to "not include" any of you, but to hear the comments of the owners that have been through more than 60% (the target number I wanted) of this world's life. 10 seasons is the closest number to 60%.

One of the things I find interesting when searching for the long time owners is that there are 11 owners who were here at the very beginning and 8 others who have a minimum of 10 seasons. That is 19 longtime owners and hopefully others will join this group as this world continues.

Including my response we have votes/comments from 14 of the owners out of 19 involved in this "poll".

Some of the comments are interesting and some are repeated among several owners.

2 comments that appeared on several replies are:
= 1st comment - Would going private make the rollover take longer with having to recruit new owners every season?
==== Being proactive was a comment on preventing that
==== Stronger and more stable if we hand pick owners when needed.
==== Is it worth the wait if we did have to wait a little longer to rollover.
==== One owner who also is in other private worlds says his experience is that it is a longer wait.

= 2nd comment - This world has been strong as a public world, why change.
==== Only a couple issues (2 past owners were mentioned more than once) in all our seasons
==== Stronger and more stable as a private?
==== How much discussion/arguing would be needed to pick a commish and set any world rules we may want?

2 good topics above. With the comments, below is the vote from the participating owners:

PRIVATE - 6 votes
PUBLIC - 3 votes
EITHER - 4 votes
ABSTAIN - 1 vote (longtime owner expected to leave this season)

IMO I do not believe there is enough of a majority to make the change, even though I would be willing. If we decide later to change to private, I would expect us to take volunteers for commish and have the owners vote in an election for commish and any guidelines we may set.
(- pita323)